Monday, September 23, 2013

Give the boy a chance!


Winning drawing from our contest: Sights and Sounds of Miller.
  Congratulations Candace Drinkwater
September 23, 2013

One would never know from the temperature outside that summer has ended.  92ᵒ. Bring on the lemonade.  School bells are ringing, and duck hunters are lying in the marshy river bottoms waiting for the ducks to come to roost, fighting off mosquitos no doubt.  More importantly, fall sports are back.  Soccer, football, or volley ball, choose your fav.  The Huskies football team is 3-1 so far, and face their biggest district competition when they play Grapeland this Friday.  We need to fill the stands and cheer for our boys.  Let’s not forget the Lady Huskies are knee deep in volleyball as well.  The girls are heading off for a tournament in Lone Oak, and as always Millerites wish them the best.  Anyone that has time this weekend, drive on over and support these hardworking young ladies.  Go Huskies.

With that in mind this blogger is sad to report there is still no news of a reconciliation between our farmboy and snowbird.  Six weeks and counting.  Something seems to have put a spoke in the wheel of romance, but neither is talking nor have any of this bloggers sources been able to ferret out anything.  Tsk! Tsk!  No more sitting together at Sunday service.  More’s the pity.  There is even talk of disbanding the Marriage Pool.  This intrepid blogger says don’t be too hasty.  Give our farmboy time, he has grit, he’ll come through, just see if he doesn't.

Meanwhile, be especially vigilant when passing through school zones.  The speed limit is 20 mph.  By vigilant, this blogger mean that you should keep a careful eye out for the little ones.  Remember, they don’t always look both ways before they dart out into the street.  Which means, don’t be talking on your cell phone while you are in a school zone.  Not only is it against the law, yes that’s right, the police can write you a ticket for talking on the cell phone in a school zone, it is just dumb!  Our children our most precious resource, be sure you do your part and protect them by hanging up your phone.  Jumping down off my soap box now.

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Follow me on Twitter. @miller_texas


Double D series--Book 1

Monday, July 1, 2013

Light up the sky!


Winning drawing from our MCMS art contest: Sights and Sounds of Miller.
  Congratulations Candace Drinkwater

July 1, 2013

Will Washington ever get it right?  Wikileaks.  What will it be next?  Okay, this blogger is not going to go down that road.  Plenty of blogs out there weighing in on this mess, and any fool knows that one subject best left alone is politics, so let’s move on to something less volatile.  

Like fireworks.  Yep, it is the week of the 4th.  Many of you will head on over to Lake Jacksonville and watch the city’s firework show.  It’s pretty impressive.  Just remember, as you make your plans to celebrate Independence Day, this is the time of year that we have to be exceptionally careful.  Too many young ‘uns end up in the emergency room every year because they mishandle fireworks.  Too many of our fields and pastures get burned because adults mishandle fireworks. So, have fun, but be safe.  Final word of warning, you are responsible morally, legally, and financially if you mess up. Nuff said.

With that in mind, JJ will have his annual backyard bar-b-que for a few dozen of his friends and family.  There are sure to be some fireworks there as well, and not just the kind you can buy at the numerous stands that have sprung up all over the place.  Our farmboy and snowbird will be part of the celebration, so it will be interesting to see if this pair does some sparking of their own.  He! He! Sparking.  Get it.  Of course you do.  According to unnamed sources, and they are many and varied, the two are still playing it cool, but every Sunday, come rain or shine, they are sitting together, right hand side, 3rd pew from the back at the Miller C of C.  Don’t believe this blogger, come check it out for yourself.  When do you think the wedding will be?  DT at the water office is writing down your guesses.  And guys, remember, the Twelfth of Never is taken.

Meanwhile here in the piney woods keep an eye on those elderly folks who live alone.  If you know someone who needs a fan, get in touch with Ron at the fire station.  Heat is the number one reason that people over 70 die during the sweltering hot summer months.  And let’s not forget to give a shout out to Marvin Trout, ninety years young, and still mowing his own grass.  Here’s to ninety more, Marvin.

Be sure to like us on FaceBook

Follow me on Twitter. @miller_texas

Monday, June 17, 2013

Hit by lightning. Sizzle. Sizzle.

Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: Sights and Sounds of Miller.
  Congratulations Candace Drinkwater
June 17, 2013

Whoo! Whee!  That was some storm that blew through here this past weekend.  Knocked down power lines, tore up trees, had all of Miller thinking that a tornado was headed straight for our little neck of these here piney woods.   This intrepid blogger can’t remember ever seeing so much lightning.  There was a time that lightning flashed so fast and so bright that it felt like aliens might be landing in our backyards.  This morning, even though the Double D was buzzing with all the damage wrought, there have been no alien sightings reported.  So guess that’s a positive from a negative.  However, Millerites are having to put up with the inconvenience of not having electricity.  Old Harold over at Meade’s Feed and Seed is running a special on generators.  Might be the time to check out how much it would set a body back to get one.  No deaths and no one injured, Millerites have much to be thankful for.  Yes sir, they sure do.  If you don’t believe this blogger, you have only to check out the number of cars in the twelve churches in Miller yesterday.  Parking lots were full to the brim.

Having said that, it is an ill wind that blows no good.  The storm took Millerite’s minds off the Lady Huskies painful loss.  They came in third in state, not that being third is bad, just disappointing for Coach Olsen and the girls.  Always next year.  That’s our battle cry now!!!
With that in mind, there have been some sightings, not of the alien variety, that have the town buzzing, nonetheless.  AA and BB aka snowbird and farm boy, have been keeping company quite a bit lately.  The FFs were spotted sitting together at church several Sundays in a row, and by all accounts the two were even seen at The Filling Station eating some of the FBQ’s (former beauty queen’s) famous blueberry waffles last Saturday.  Even more interesting, they were sharing a paradise pie at Baker Beau’s Wedding Emporium in Tyler.   Yep.  I said Wedding Emporium.  Do you think they were there just because the pie is so yummy?  This intrepid blogger thinks not. Could it be that Miller has become their paradise?  Interesting thought, but wasn’t there a serpent in paradise?  Or was that the Garden of Eden?  No matter, despite the numerous sightings, there is no talk of marriage.  Have faith, my fine fellow Millerites, he will woo her and win her back.  Wedding bells will ring, just be sure you have the right date, when they do.  You know that it will be posted here in a New York second as soon as it gets penciled in.
Double D Rangers are #1

Meanwhile, come out to the little league ball fields and watch our future HOFs (hall of famers) play some ball.  It means a lot to those little athletes to have people in the stands cheering them on.  The clean-up batter for the Double D Rangers hit three out of the park homeruns last Friday night.   Fourth time he came to bat, the other team refused to pitch to him.  It was beautiful, and you should have been there.

Follow me on Twitter. @miller_texas

     # willfarmboywinsnowbird’sheart
     # threehomerunsequalsthreeblueberrydonuts

Monday, May 6, 2013

Eyes and Ears Everywhere


Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: Sights and Sounds of Miller.
  Congratulations Candace Drinkwater

May, 6, 2013

After our brief, but heavy, rain the May flowers are everywhere.  Bees are buzzing.  Swings are swinging.  Laughter filled the John B. Miller Park this weekend. With this sudden rush to be outdoors comes…you guessed it, baseball fever.  The MCHS boys are hanging up their cleats for the season.  Sadly they were beat out in the 2A area tournament by a powerhouse team from Edgewood.  Coach Peterson did a fine job with our boys this year.  Go Huskies!  The girls’ softball team is still hanging in there.  If they win the regional quarterfinals tournament this weekend against Lone Oak, it’s on to the semifinals.  Good luck Lady Huskies and Coach Olsen. Miller is behind you all the way.  Ah, the memories.

LOL.  My agent about town, so beware!
With that in mind, let’s turn our attention to a certain snowbird and farm boy who, if rumors are correct, got caught up in a little Houston Astros fever this weekend.  The Astros came out on the losing end of their contest with the Tigers, but I know you really want to know how the farm boy fared.  Well…this intrepid blogger heard from a friend who is a friend who is a friend of a friend…you get the point (or if you don’t get the point, the point is that this blogger has eyes and ears everywhere).  The gist of the salacious rumor running rapidly through our little berg is that we might be seeing these two around Miller together—like as a couple.  No mention of wedding bells yet, but it’s early days.  As for seeing AA and BB out and about, my bet is that we will see them at the Double D first.  Everyone in Miller shows up at the DD for Chef M’s All You Can Eat Catfish.  So….keep your eyes peeled.  And check back, you know the minute this intrepid blogger finds out anything it will posted here on this blog. 

Meanwhile, if you are attending any of the baseball or softball games our kids are playing, don’t park in the front row.  Find you a place way in the back out of the range of high flying fly balls.  If you mess up and become the victim of a fly ball, Harvey Waller’s shop, You Crash ‘Em and We Fix ‘Em, is offering a discount on windshield replacement.

Might this gallant blogger humbly note, that ALittleBitofMiller now has over 500 hundred followers?  That is half of the population of Miller.  Okay, you’re right, it is hard to brag and be humble.  Keep those comments and posts coming.

Follow me on Twitter. @miller_texas

Monday, April 22, 2013

Seeing Red

Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: Sights and Sounds of Miller.
  Congratulations Candace Drinkwater
April 22, 2013

It appears that those April showers have finally shown up.  Along with those showers, the possibility of flash flooding.  As always, it’s either feast of famine.   The rain, even though it came as a gulley washer, was a welcome break. Now that the rain has arrived, everywhere you look, you see signs that spring has sprung.  The cooler temperatures have people out walking, children are practicing baseball and soccer on every available patch of grass in Miller.  When the rain lets up for a minute, that it.  It is a beautiful sight to see.  Kind of gives you a glimpse of what life was like before we became so dependent on air conditioning.  Put me, coach, I’m ready to play.

For those of you who are hungering for some good gossip, pull up a chair.  There is news to be had on the progress of farmboy’s alleged pursuit of the snowbird.  Rumor has it that they were seen together at the welcome home party heading outside for a little alone time, and then HE disappeared suddenly...before we sang “For she’s a jolly good fella.” Interesting.  She stayed, smiled, and charmed the multitudes.  Can this blogger just say that the new favorite color in Miller is red?  The guys out there will be adding a chorus of amens to that thought, no doubt.  Also, it has come to the attention of your truly that the locals have a pool going.  They are betting on how long it will take before wedding bells are ringing in Miller.  Everybody is chipping in a dollar, and the person who gets the date of the proposal, no we’d better make that wedding, given what happened the last time, will get the pot.  This intrepid blogger will be joining in the fun.  All of Miller is crossing their fingers, but farmboy has some serious making up to do if he wants to keep the snowbird as his own.  It will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
Meanwhile, the rain is falling creating slick streets.  Drive with care, and for goodness sake, don’t be daft.  When the stream has flooded out of its banks and is running across the road, turn around and find another way to get where you are going.  Do not  drive through running water.  It just isn’t safe folks.  But hey, don’t take this blogger’s word for it, ask old HM down at the feed store.  Cost him a pretty penny to get his brand new Jeep pulled out of Salty Creek.
And, parents, don’t forget to wish your children good luck.  This is the week that 3rd and 4th graders take their Reading and Math STAAR tests.  Happy bubbling to all.

Follow me on Twitter. @miller_texas



Monday, April 15, 2013

No April showers, just heat, heat, heat!

Winning drawing from  MCMS art contest: Sights and Sounds of Miller.
  Congratulations Candace Drinkwater

April 15, 2013

Hot and dry

Smokey the Bear has all of Cherokee County on high alert, which means no burning. Let me repeat that. No. Burning. Unless of course you want to take a chance of burning half the county and getting yourself a whopping big fine when the fire chief pays you a visit. I know the poem says April showers bring May flowers, but so far April has not brought any showers to Cherokee County. Lakes are suffering. Wildlife is suffering. Tempers are suffering—the heat makes us all a little crazy. Remember that before you give into a little, well, let’s call it, HEAT RAGE.
  Speaking of getting a little hot under the collar, today is the last day to file your income taxes on time. There is no point in griping about it. Griping just makes the people listening to you want to tell you to stick a sock in your pie hole. Truth is nobody likes to have the government taking money out of their pocket, but with the threat of IRS audits, most Americans file their tax return. Even if you don’t owe money, the government gets a little hot under the collar back at you if you don’t file your return. They don’t like owing you money, any more than you like owing them money. Go figure, right? What are you going to do? Pull a Lady Godiva? Not many people remember that her famous ride through Coventry sans clothing was a protest of overly harsh taxation. A bare bareback ride might have worked in the 11th century, but these days it would only land you in the clink with the IRS breathing down your neck. The post office will be open until midnight so you can get those forms mailed on time, but please, don’t go all Lady Godiva when you make your mad rush to the post office. Uncle Sam is not akin to the Earl of Coventry. If you decide to go the bare bareback ride route, you will have to deal with a whale of a lot more than one Peeping Tom.


Speaking of things heating up, this intrepid blogger has been keeping an eye on our little snowbird. Word around town is that a certain farmboy picked her up from the airport.  Interesting.  Oh to have been a fly on the headliner of his truck. Now that she is back in the nest, our farmer is suspiciously MIA.  He’s still in Miller, just keeping out of sight. Could it be that having his FF (former fiancée) right on his doorstep has him lying low?  Hmmm.  Wonder how that’s working for him.  Friday is the big Welcome Back shindig.  Will he make an appearance? Don’t you fret, nothing gets by this blogger.  Whatever happens, you can read about it here.

Meanwhile, the fish are biting.  Might be time to wet a hook.  Hey, if you don’t catch any fish, you can at least cool off by taking a quick dip.  Bet the water is the lake is plenty cool enough to take the edge of this little heatwave.  All this talk of fishing makes this intrepid blogger think it’s a good time for a little family time at the lake.  Catch you on the flip-flop.
Come on.  One of you guys needs to take the bait.

Follow me on Twitter. @miller_texas


The Double D Series Book 1: Kiss Me Senseless
Alden and Ben's story

Image of Fishing...courtesy of stuart miles at
Image of Tax Stopwatch courtesy of pixbox77 at

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Prodigal returns as heat climbs

Winning drawing from  MCMS art contest: Sights and Sounds of Miller.
  Congratulations Candace Drinkwater

April 8, 2013

Can you believe this heat?  The thermometer hit 95° yesterday.  That just doesn’t seem right.  This blogger can almost hear the echoes across cyber space--why are you talking about the heat in Texas? How redundant.   Maybe so, but even down here in Texas, we raise an eyebrow when it hits 95° in April.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  This blogger’s ears are burning, and you’re right, this blog isn’t about the heat in Texas, what would be the point of that?  Blogging is kind of new for me, this being my first attempt.  The idea to start a blog came to this blogger out of the blue when the radio was belting out an oldie but a goodie, Back in the Saddle.  It started me thinking about how sometimes the hardest thing in life is to give something a try again once you’ve gotten hurt the first time.  Ergo--the idea for this blog where yours truly will be “riding the range” so to speak and doling out encouraging words to all the little doggies in cyberland who are struggling to get back up after they have fallen.  What were you expecting deep philosophical wisdom?  Sorry readers, that’s about as deep as this blogger gets. So, what can you expect on these posts?  Well this intrepid blogger will be dishing up whatever catches the attention of Millerites, some gossip, and sure why not, some advice.

With that in mind, there is a certain man about Miller who might want to listen up. Let’s call him farmboy.  Miller is about to welcome home one of its prodigal children.  This feisty little lady has been hanging out in the Big Apple for a few years. Let’s call her snowbird.  It will be interesting to see if her return causes farmboy to get back in the saddle and give romance another try.  (That there would be a clever tie in to the song, just in case you didn’t catch it.)  Millerites will just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, life is good here in our little neck of the Piney Woods.  If you are out and about at dusk, be sure to use your mosquito repellant.  Those little buggers are especially bad this year.

Follow me on Twitter. @miller_texas


Monday, April 1, 2013



The blog was created for the fans of the @Double D Series.
It's purpose is to serve as a time line of the stories and to provide a list of books available, as well as books that are in the works.

I hope you enjoy it!

Text copyright © Donna Bodiford

All Rights Reserved

The writing on these posts are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only.

Names, characters, places and incidents are either the creation of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally to bring a sense of realism to the work.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

To Seatbelt or Not to Seatbelt

  October 3, 2020 Covid-19 Day 211 THIS. This is what I think about when people whine and cry about face masks. The same arguments were mad...