Monday, August 11, 2014

Numero Uno or El Segundo


Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: The Best of Miller, Texas
  Congratulations Mikey Vines

         August 11, 2014

If you were thinking that we had more 4-wheelers and dirt bikes in the area than usual this past weekend, then you’d be right.  The Annual Prevent Child Abuse Rally was Saturday, August 9.  More than five thousand good hearted souls showed up at Moore’s Mudd Park.  It was quite a crowd.  After the Jay Simmons concert and the ride to Jacksonville, a goodly number of them came back to play.  They spent the weekend splashing in the mud and having some decent, dirty fun for a great cause. And Jay, can we just say, “At a boy, Jay!”  One of Miller’s own doing really well since winning The Next Big Thing.  Millerites can be proud. 

Having said that, it is time to dish up the dirt.  The two BNDs seem to still be locking horns over the same GND, or are they?  After the dust up at their mom and dad’s a few weeks back, haven’t notice much.   Middle GND has been hard at work behind covered windows, while little GND has been out and about with BND, el segundo.  The whole gang was seen making nice at the DD Saturday night, but if looks could send you to see your maker, then BND, numero uno, would be pushing up daisies. Yet, BND, el segundo, left with little GND.  Is anyone else confused? Whew, Miller might be too small to handle a feud.  You can be sure that this blogger will keep you posted.

Meanwhile, with school looming on the horizon, many families are trying to get in a few extra fun activities.  Roads are busy, so obey the law and buckle up.  The life you save, might be your own, or mine for that matter.  Nuff said.

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Double D series--Book3: Kiss Me Cross-eyed

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