Monday, January 19, 2015

A Little Bit of Miller in H-town

Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: The Best of Miller, Texas
  Congratulations, Randy Rollins

January 19, 2015
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Don’t forget to hit your knees today and say thanks for the man who sacrificed his life for the betterment of mankind. In honor of his memory today, everyone should do one kind deed for someone else.  Stand up, and do the right thing.  It is one our freedoms, we just don’t exercise it often enough, consequently, it gets a little out of shape.  So, how about it, give a little kindness to say thanks to a great man.
On to new frontiers:  It’s about to happen.  The New Double D Roadhouse Houston will have its Grand Opening January 23, 2015.  Those neon signs that have become an iconic symbol of our little town will soon make a debut in one of our largest cities.  Don’t you wish you could be there when they flip the switch and turn on the lights for the first time?  A little bit of Miller in H-town.  Who'd ever thunk it, certainly not this intrepid blogger.    
I don’t know about the rest of you Millerites, but I having a feeling that love is zinging in the air, and it isn't because there are hearts everywhere.  Could anything l
ess than love convince Mr. DD himself to consider moving from Miller?  Can’t say too much.  Don’t want to ruin the surprise.  You know who will get cranky if the cat gets out of the bag too early.  I’m just guessing, but it is my heartfelt opinion, that Miller is fixing to lose another one of its bachelors.  Sorry ladies, but you know the saying—All the best ones are either married or____!  You can fill in the blank yourself.  No controversies here in Miller.
Meanwhile, could we get a little snow down here?  It’s winter.  They had fourteen inches in the Detroit area last week, and the forecasters are calling for more snow this week. Sheesh!  Not one snowflake fell in Miller.  Our kids like to build snowmen to, so don’t hog up all the snow, you crazy northerners.  Still, you less than same Texans, you should remember to bundle up, because despite the really, pretty weather today, it is winter, and when the sun goes down, it gets preetee cold.  Nuff said. 

One final word.  Congratulations to Randy Rollins, a seventh grader at the MC Middle School.  His computer sketch of Eaton and Eaton Insurance and Investments was the winner of the Chamber of Commerce's annual The Best of Miller, Texas Art Contest.  Randy is the son or Betty Truman  and Samuel Rollins.

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@the Double D series  Book 2: Kiss Me Stupid

1 comment:

  1. I can see that the romance in your soul is sadly depleted.


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