Monday, January 19, 2015

A Little Bit of Miller in H-town

Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: The Best of Miller, Texas
  Congratulations, Randy Rollins

January 19, 2015
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Don’t forget to hit your knees today and say thanks for the man who sacrificed his life for the betterment of mankind. In honor of his memory today, everyone should do one kind deed for someone else.  Stand up, and do the right thing.  It is one our freedoms, we just don’t exercise it often enough, consequently, it gets a little out of shape.  So, how about it, give a little kindness to say thanks to a great man.
On to new frontiers:  It’s about to happen.  The New Double D Roadhouse Houston will have its Grand Opening January 23, 2015.  Those neon signs that have become an iconic symbol of our little town will soon make a debut in one of our largest cities.  Don’t you wish you could be there when they flip the switch and turn on the lights for the first time?  A little bit of Miller in H-town.  Who'd ever thunk it, certainly not this intrepid blogger.    
I don’t know about the rest of you Millerites, but I having a feeling that love is zinging in the air, and it isn't because there are hearts everywhere.  Could anything l
ess than love convince Mr. DD himself to consider moving from Miller?  Can’t say too much.  Don’t want to ruin the surprise.  You know who will get cranky if the cat gets out of the bag too early.  I’m just guessing, but it is my heartfelt opinion, that Miller is fixing to lose another one of its bachelors.  Sorry ladies, but you know the saying—All the best ones are either married or____!  You can fill in the blank yourself.  No controversies here in Miller.
Meanwhile, could we get a little snow down here?  It’s winter.  They had fourteen inches in the Detroit area last week, and the forecasters are calling for more snow this week. Sheesh!  Not one snowflake fell in Miller.  Our kids like to build snowmen to, so don’t hog up all the snow, you crazy northerners.  Still, you less than same Texans, you should remember to bundle up, because despite the really, pretty weather today, it is winter, and when the sun goes down, it gets preetee cold.  Nuff said. 

One final word.  Congratulations to Randy Rollins, a seventh grader at the MC Middle School.  His computer sketch of Eaton and Eaton Insurance and Investments was the winner of the Chamber of Commerce's annual The Best of Miller, Texas Art Contest.  Randy is the son or Betty Truman  and Samuel Rollins.

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@the Double D series  Book 2: Kiss Me Stupid

Saturday, January 10, 2015

No hearts and flowers, if you please.


Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: The Best of Miller, Texas
  Congratulations Mikey Vines

January 10, 2015

It seems that the New Year always brings out the romantic side of people.  Resolutions.  The wish to be a better person.  Being grateful for all the blessing of the past year.  Appreciating the SO in your life, or wishing for a special someone to come along and sweep you off your feet.  Old man winter is settling into his element, stirring up the north winds and sending them streaking across the Canadian border.  If you live up north that means snow and subzero temperatures.  Brrrr!  I mean 9 degrees, if that isn't the perfect excuse to canoodle, then I don't know what it.  Still, in Texas, the temps don't dip that low more than once in a blue, blue, blue winter moon.  No, Texans are just normally kind of romantic.  How else do you account for the swagger?  Which leads this blogger to the point--what's with all the Valentine's?  Surely, retailers could take a brief break between holidays.  Let people enjoy these few weeks of snuggling up with their honeys before the stores bombard the world with Valentine's Day displays.  It is like the minute the bubbly pops at midnight on the thirty-first, bang! Hearts and flowers explode. Everywhere you look, from the grocery stores to the ads on the internet, sappy red hearts abound.  Makes a body weary, and take the romance right out of the season, if you ask this blogger's opinion, which maybe you did, since you are reading this post.  Ironically, all this pre-advertising doesn't seem to help.  If you don't agree, just visit a lingerie store, florist, or candy shop on February 14th.  The lines are longer than any other day of the year.  

Yikes!  See?  Even this blog has been infected with hearts and flowers.
Moving on, to a slightly less prosaic, but oddly related note --there are no new romances to report on in our little berg.  Millerites seem to be laying low because of the cold front that blew through bringing cold rain and even some sleet.  There were some reports of visitors to Miller that are of special interest.  Remember the feisty little red head that flew in for the A-B wedding.  She was seen at the Double D this past weekend, enjoying some of Chef M's delicious catfish with her good pal and former roommate.  A certain dude transplanted from New York was also there.  His former flame, the science teacher, showed up at the roadhouse to dine, as well.  For a few moments, it looked like there might be a fracas worthy of the old nighttime soap, Dallas.  Alas, the dude and the redhead from New York (RHFNY) went their separate ways, and the lady who got her heart broken spent her night at the bar keeping company with a hunky blond.  The E 5s were also at the roadhouse, celebrating a family birthday.  What a spunky group those five are!  Don't fret, this intrepid blogger will keep an ear to ground.  Should a new romance bloom, or a herd of stampeding buffalo head this way, you can read about it right here.

Meanwhile, don't forget that a hoodie and a toboggan are not really adequate for temperatures in the thirties.  If you are out and about, wear a real coat, for Pete's sake and be sure to keep a blanket or two in your car.  Being stranded on the side of the road in the dead of winter, even in Texas, could be uncomfortable. Stupidity causes more deaths in our country than any thing else.  Nuff said.

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Double D series--Book 14: Midnight Kiss

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year's Eve Proposal

January 1, 2015

Winning drawing from MCMS art contest: The Best of Miller, Texas
  Congratulations, Randy Rollins

It is just this blogger, or does it seem like the years are flying by faster and faster?  The peeps around town say it’s an age thing, like getting older make the clock run faster. If that is true, the clock is the only thing that runs faster as it gets older.  Ahem!  Let’s chalk it up to maturity rather than age.  Speaking of faster.  If you can imagine it, in Middleton, Wisconsin, they have a New Year’s Dash.  Who calls a 5 mile run a dash?  If memory serves, Wisconsin is freezing in January, but 475 people got out of bed and lined up to run, yes run, in this dash they optimistically call a fun run. The fun in fun run is added because you can walk if you chose, making the whole event more of a family affair than a competition.

  In this blogger’s humble opinion, any event that includes a Mother Nature disclaimer--the course could be dry, wet, or even have 12 inches of snow--should be avoided at all costs.  Brrrrr!  Better to snuggle up with the SO, watch a parade or two, nosh on some great snack, and jeer at the referees while viewing some football.  Ahh! The life. 
Now to the good stuff, the family feud is over.  
That’s right O V E R.  

And the winner is, BND Numero Uno. Now who is really surprised? The folks at the party at the Double D last night witnessed the proposal. That’s right, the uber cool man of the hour, got down on bended knee at midnight and asked GND #3 to be his endless love. Can anyone say, Get me to the church on time? (Yes, this intrepid blogger just worked in three romantic song titles, thank you very much.) For those of you that weren’t there, you can see the whole proposal on YouTube. Don’t you just love the modern world? Privacy is an outdated concept, but when you propose in front of
most of your family and friends, you aren’t looking to keep a lid on it. Even better, a little bird told this blogger that BND El Segundo will be the best man at the wedding on a date TBA later. Ain’t it great?

Meanwhile, the Piney Woods are ringing with the echoes of good cheer. Be sure make that resolution before midnight. Like wishing on a star, it loses its magic if you don’t. Or better yet, skip the resolution and simply commit to doing one kind deed every day.  Imagine the world if every person jumped on board.  Be the first.  Nuff said.

A final note:  If you have been missing the front man for the Double D in the past few weeks, it’s because he is spreading his wings.  The opening for the Double D Houston is set for January 23rd. The excitement is building.

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@the Double D Series, Book 3: Kiss Me Cross-Eyed
Erlyne and Finnley's story

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